Know All Features and Benefits of a Real Estate Mobile App

Real estate companies build mobile apps to capture attention of maximum users and ease the buying/selling process. To make your app stand out in the crowd, you need to know about the trending features and benefits. Keep reading to learn the same. 

Real Estate Mobile App - Amazing Features and Benefits

Here are they:


Login/signup is a primary feature of a real estate mobile application and thus it needs to be very simple to use. You can implement methods such as social media/email authorization and phone verification to ease the signup process for users. Combining the techniques can also be a great decision as it provides flexibility and convenience to users. 

Profile Creation

Users need to create profiles easily to perform various activities. Profiles should be different for different users. Buyer profile options need to be drastically different from that of an agent profile. While a buyer needs to check listings, save favorites and make enquiries, an agent should be able to see listings/schedules, uninterested buyers, total views to listings, advertisement options and others. Users should be capable of accessing common features such as messaging and apps. 

Property Listings

Property listing is one of the basic features of a real estate mobile app. You need to show your users the list of available properties with precise details. They should also be able to add listings easily. A large database is required as property listing keeps growing. The more users, the more listings in the coming days. Thus, your database/servers need to be sufficiently flexible to support large-scale operations. 

Search Filters and Categories

To find the right property,users need to search extensively online. If you offer advanced search options to users, it automatically simplifies the entire property searching process. Add filters and categories to search facilities so an user can locate properties suited to their precise needs and preferences. When users become able to easily find properties by using your app, it will be the most in demand in the marketplace. 

Property Profiles

Property profiles comprise detailed information about a particular property. The information includes description, images, videos, high-quality media, pricing details, owner contact details, value proposition, relevant information and much more. Most of the users take decisions regarding buying a property after checking photos and videos through apps. In each and every property profile, you should also add contact details of every property owner and agent so users can reach out to dealers instantly if they want. 

The Bottom Line

A robust and feature-rich mobile app contributes a lot to the success of your real estate business. When you add these discussed features to your app, you can take your business to the next level. To stay ahead of your competitors in the marketplace. you should come up with an interactive mobile app that acts as a bridge between you and your customers. 

Are you planning to build a top-notch mobile app? Get in touch with a reputable mobile app development company. The skilled app developers can understand your precise needs and transform them into reality.


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