5 Wordpress CMS Security Tips for Your Website

When it comes to running a WordPress website, security is one of the main concerns. As WordPress is one of the most hacked CMS platforms, you should try to protect it from hackers and possible attacks. The ultimate security features prevent hacking and protect your website. This blog outlines some of the tips to protect your WordPress website.

WordPress CMS Website - How to Protect it From Hackers?

Here are some of the tips :

  1. Do Not Use Default Username
Hackers mainly target the login page of a WordPress CMS website. They repeatedly guess login details(password and username). Thus, don't use default username as hackers can access the login page quickly. If you have used the default username, you can change it by including an SQL query in PHPMyAdmin. Choose a username that is different and difficult to guess.

  1. Use a Strong Password
Remember, a hacker can easily access a weak password and disrupts your website's online visibility. Choose a unique username and a strong password that combines 10 to 15 various characters. It is advisable to use the Strong Password Generator if you cannot decide the most secure password. Change it at regular intervals as it fortifies the login page and keeps hackers away.

  1. Integrate Two-factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication helps in protecting your WordPress website from a brute force attack. It is a kind of attack where a hacker accesses uncountable combinations of passwords and usernames repeatedly until getting into the site. By implementing two-factor authentication, you can upgrade the login page security. You need a password and authorization code(sent to your mobile phone) to log into your website. Without this combination, you cannot access the login page. You can install Google Authenticator to improve the functionality of your website.

  1. Change Login URLms
For high-level protection, modify the URL address of the login page. Through wp-login.php, you can browse the WordPress login page by default that anyone can see in the site's main URL. Thus, hackers can easily access the login page and try brute force to access the site. Customize the login URL to add security and unbreakability. Create a custom URL like my_custom_login. Install iThemes Security plugin to change login URLs automatically.

  1. Switch to HTTPS
Upgrade to HTTPS to protect WordPress CMS website from hackers and security attacks. HTTPS strengthens the connection between your web browser and server. This keeps the attackers away when you transfer data from one server to another. Moreover, it protects your website from untrustworthy and hidden scripts available on your computer system and a script that is used to steal information from login forms. Besides this, WordPress has made it a compulsion to upgrade HTTPs in WordPress websites to fetch higher rankings on Google search results. This always works well for brand awareness.

These are some of the most-effective tips and suggestions to protect your WordPress CMS website from getting hacked. By following these tricks carefully, you can make your website fully safe and secure without spending a huge amount of money. You can hire a reputable CMS development company for the desired results.


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